Capturing the passion for learning .
Our core subject areas include English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Explore: Exploring is an integral part of our program. We believe students benefit from hands-on learning both inside and outside the classroom. Students spend time outside of the classroom working in the field and engaging firsthand with subject matter experts. The ExL teachers challenge, support, and inspire the students to realize their potential.
Learn: Students learn core academics and the arts through interdisciplinary projects to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter. We believe that students of all learning styles and abilities not only can learn, but want to learn. Students learn a wide range of content and skills and they regularly have the opportunity to apply their learning in real-world contexts.
Connect: Service learning is an important element for academic achievement. Each trimester, students reach out and engage in their community by connecting with local organizations. Students contribute to their community through volunteerism and experience the benefit of helping their fellow citizens. Students gain experience that is impossible to teach in a classroom.
Act: Integrating service projects into the curriculum and expeditions allows ExL students to put their learning into action. The ExL program is designed to meet the needs of hardworking, active middle school students. Students work together in groups on classroom projects, planning expeditions, and helping each other succeed.